
Showing posts from April, 2019

Practice question answers, skin tumors 3

Practice question answers, skin tumors 3 © Jun Wang, MD, PhD 1. E. The lesion is characterized by partial or complete loss of melanin pigmentation without other abnormalities, most consistent with vitiligo . Actinic keratosis is a squamous precancerous lesion with rough surface or cutaneous horn . Dermatophytosis is fungal infection and is usually an erythematous, centrifugally growing annular lesion with a peripheral scale . Scar may have hypopigmentation but usually has a bulging appearance due to regenerative changes. 2. C. Vitiligo is associated with autoimmune destruction of melanocytes. Allergic reaction is associated with various dermatitis, including allergic contact dermatitis , urticaria , and erythema multiforme , etc. Excess estrogen associated hyperpigmentation is seen in melasma . Sun exposure is associated with hyperpigmentation, such as melasma , and proliferative disorders lentigo , melanoma , squamous cell carcinoma and   basal cell carcinoma . Tyrosina

Practice questions, skin tumors 3

Practice questions, skin tumors 3 © Jun Wang, MD, PhD 1. Use this case and this image for the next two questions . A 21-year-old woman presents with irregular discoloration of her right hands for 3 months. She denies any abnormal sensation. Her past medical history is unremarkable. She is a full time college student in literature, and is not working. She denies history of injury or infection. Physical examination is unremarkable except the right hand changes as shown. The skin surface of this lesion is smooth. What is the diagnosis? (Image: Produnis [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]) A. Actinic keratosis B. Acute contact dermatitis C. Dermatophytosis D. Scar E. Vitiligo 2. A 21-year-old woman presents with irregular discoloration of her right hands for 3 months. She denies any abnormal sensation. Her past medical history is unremarkable. She is a full time college student in literature, and is not working. She denies history of