Chediak-Higashi syndrome
Chediak-Higashi syndrome Updated: 08/03/2020 © Jun Wang, MD, PhD General features Rare Autosomal recessive Lysosomal storage disorder Associated with primary immunodeficiency due to impaired phagocytosis Affects multiple systems Symptoms usually present soon after birth Most patients died before 10 as a result of infection or an accelerated lymphoma like phase Pathogenesis Abnormal intracellular protein transport and pigmentation Chediak-Higashi syndrome genes ( LYST/CHS1 ) mutation Abnormal organelle trafficking and fusion Defective lysosome functions Neutrophils and macrophages with normal phagocytic function but delayed fusion of phagosomes with lysosomes NK cell and T cell cytotoxicity markedly decreased due to defective exocytosis of granules Melanosome defects Clinical features Early presentations Nonpigmented skin , blonde hair, blue eyes (partial oculocutaneous albinism) Recurrent bacterial infections Coagulation defects, usually mild Aden