
Practice question answers Pathology of breast III

Practice question answers Pathology of breast III © Jun Wang, MD, PhD   1. B. This lesion is characterized by stretched/compressed ducts in a background of markedly proliferated hypocellular fibrous tissue. These features are consistent with fibroadenoma . Diabetic mastopathy is commonly seen in patient with type I diabetes and is characterized by dense lymphocytic infiltration surrounding normal appearing ducts. Fibrocystic changes is a group of pathological processes including stromal fibrosis and cyst formation. Usual ductal hyperplasia has increased layers of benign ductal epithelial cells. Invasive ductal carcinoma has ducts with irregular shape and irregular arrangement, suggestive of stromal invasion. Invasive lobular carcinoma has atypical epithelial cells forming single files in stroma.   2. D. Benign ducts/lobules and non-invasive proliferations have intact myoepithelial layer located between luminal cells and basement membrane. Markers for myoepithe...

Practice question Pathology of breast III

Practice question Pathology of breast III © Jun Wang, MD, PhD   1. Use this image for the next two questions . A 42-year-old woman presents to the clinic with a left breast mass for 1 month. She does not have history of trauma. She has had type 2 diabetes for 5 years and has been treated with metformin. Her family history is significant for multiple cancers including endometrial carcinoma and benign ovarian tumors. Physical examination reveals a 2.5 cm mobile firm mass at the outer upper   quadrant of her left breast. No other abnormalities are noted. An image of her biopsy is shown. What is the diagnosis?  (No machine-readable author provided. KGH assumed (based on copyright claims)., CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons) A. Diabetic mastopathy B. Fibroadenoma C. Fibrocystic changes D. Invasive ductal carcinoma E. Invasive lobular carcinoma F. Usual ductal hyperplasia 2. A 42-year-old woman pre...

Practice questions answers Lymphoid neoplasms IV

Practice questions answers Lymphoid neoplasms IV   © Jun Wang, MD, PhD   1. D. This case is characterized by a rapid growing lymphoid lesion composed of small to medium sized round lymphocytes. Large cells with pale cytoplasm are scattered among these lymphocytes, forming a starry sky appearance. The expressions of CD10, CD19 and CD20, but not ALK, CD3, CD5, CD23, CD30, CD56 and cytokeratin are consistent with a B-cell lymphoma. Proliferative index by Ki67 100% is characteristic for Burkitt lymphoma , commonly with c-myc mutation. ALK is abnormal in anaplastic large cell lymphoma . BRAF mutation can be seen in hairy cell leukemia , melanocytic nevus and melanoma . IGH-CCND1 is a result of t(11;14)(q13;q32) in mantle cell lymphoma . MYD88 mutation can be seen in lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma . 2. A. EBV is associated with various lymphomas, including classical Hodgkin lymphoma , extranodal T/NK cell lymphoma , Burkitt lymphoma and primary effusion lymphoma . H. pyl...